CPU loading issue

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Fri Jun 12 09:29:28 PDT 2015

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Marc Murphy <marcmltd at marcm.co.uk> wrote:
> Ok another angle is which firmware version do you have on the modem and how is it configured ?
> I am rebuilding the system for uclibc and will see how that behaves but I doubt its anything to do with that.
> It has to be something around the modem as the Sierra Wireless MC7710 will sit there all day at 2-3%

Could you grab the output of the NMEA port for some time (e.g. with
minicom, after having set the 1s update) and put it somewhere so that
we can see it? If this has to do with how the modem behaves, maybe
it's just that this modem ends up sending tons of NMEA traces and
ModemManager's regexes can't cope with that high rate?


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