Concurrent usage of mmcli

João M. S. Silva joao.m.santos.silva at
Mon Oct 5 15:57:41 PDT 2015

So I guess I must implement some kind of queue, from which mmcli gets 
the requests one at a time. Right?

For instance, a directory with temporary files, where each file has 
number and message. Then I can write a script to dispatch one file at a 
time, by date/time.

João M. S. Silva

On 09/18/2015 07:06 AM, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> (Resent to include the mailing
> list)
>  >
>  > Today I realized that I can't have concurrent processes trying to
> send SMS's through the same modem.
>  >
>  > Any ideas on how to achieve this? Maybe with a client/server
> architecture only?
>  >
> Which modem is it? What's the specific error you're seeing?

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