ptxdist-2013.12.0 + ModemManager + Cinterion PLS8 rel.1

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Sep 1 09:53:03 PDT 2015

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Raul Suarez Moreno
<raul.suarez at> wrote:
> Aleksander, you mean using the "--with-newest-qmi-commands" configure is not
> advisable?? In fact, I built using that configuration just because it was
> used in the newer ptxdist version building config, should not be used for
> production purposes? What changes on the MM between using or not using that
> configure?

Enabling that configure option will switch the QMI logic to use QMI
commands that are available only in newer modems. If you don't use
that configure option it will default to use the "legacy" commands
that should be available in most modems. The thing is that when I
first started to develop all that I tried to cope with both things,
but then only focused on one path, the one with the legacy commands,
because they both ended up going very much in parallel so didn't want
to duplicate efforts. If there is something (some action, gathering
some info) that can only be done with commands as used within
--with-newest-qmi-commands, then we should move that code out of the
configure switch and make it run by default always.


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