How can I help to add ublox Sara-270 support on ublox branch?

Schroer, Jens Peter jens.schroer at
Fri Sep 23 15:55:40 UTC 2016


First of all, thank you all for this great piece of software and the 
dedication to keep this alive!

About myself, my name is Jens. I am working for a company in Sweden on 
an embedded product containing the ublox Sara-270 module.
The OS is Yocto based and we would like to use modemmanager to control 
the modem.

We are running it in an USB ECM configuration, but unfortunately the 
Sara firmware does not, unlike Toby, contain
and auto-connect mode. Everytime the system is booted up, I still need 
to execute a +UCEDATA=1,0 command to bring
it online.
I saw that there is a ublox branch in modemmanager. I would be more than 
happy to try to add above command to the branch.

I had a look at the online documentation for modemmanager that I could 
find, but I think I am still a bit unclear where
to start ideally.
I assume the command should be executed if the ublox pluging detects the 
modem to be in the ECM USB profile and command is a
connect command (I am thinking mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect).

Am I correct in my thinking?
If so I can try to find my way from there.

Appreciate any feedback.

Kind regards,

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