How can I help to add ublox Sara-270 support on ublox branch?
Aleksander Morgado
aleksander at
Fri Sep 23 19:42:30 UTC 2016
> We are running it in an USB ECM configuration, but unfortunately the Sara
> firmware does not, unlike Toby, contain
> and auto-connect mode. Everytime the system is booted up, I still need to
> execute a +UCEDATA=1,0 command to bring
> it online.
> I saw that there is a ublox branch in modemmanager. I would be more than
> happy to try to add above command to the branch.
> I had a look at the online documentation for modemmanager that I could find,
> but I think I am still a bit unclear where
> to start ideally.
> I assume the command should be executed if the ublox pluging detects the
> modem to be in the ECM USB profile and command is a
> connect command (I am thinking mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect).
> Am I correct in my thinking?
> If so I can try to find my way from there.
You'll need to modify the "MMBroadbandBearerUblox" so that the
connection logic does +UCEDATA as connection command. Did you try the
ublox branch anyway? Don't Sara and Toby use similar connection
procedures? The ublox plugin does support Toby in ECM mode.
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