Setup MC7455 connection to internet with modem manager

Thomas Haller thaller at
Fri Jun 16 13:12:31 UTC 2017


On Fri, 2017-06-16 at 14:19 +0200, Nassim Dahmani wrote:
> Thank you really much it finally works, I still have two questions:
> -In my box I have two wifi card that I configure with hostapd but it
> doesn't work with NM so I suppose that the easier way will be to
> setup the access point with NM or is there another way to setup an
> internet connection without nmcli

what doesn't work?

If you create the device outside of NM, NM will not manage it. You
still might create a connection profile of type "generic", so that NM
only does Layer3/IP configuration, but probably you wouldn't want that.

NM also supports AP mode. Create a wifi-connection with mode=AP.
Probably you want ipv4.method=shared, which starts a DHCP server on the
interface and does NAT.

Running the DHCP server via ipv4.method=shared would also work with a
"generic" connection and external hostapd... but that would be a bit
unusual to do.

Create a hotspot connection with

  nmcli device wifi hotspot ...

or use gnome-control-center to create it.

nmcli is only one way to invoke NetworkManager functionality. 

> -Is there conf file that permit to have a full control on my
> connection (play with every parameters to have the best connexion
> possible) or it's setting up automatically and I don't have control
> over it.

This question is not clear to me.

The central part of NetworkManager are connection (profiles).

You can create multiple of them, and of course change parameters. Use
client applications like nm-connection-editor, nmcli, nmtui, gnome-
control-center or plasma-nm.
Documented properties are in `man nm-settings`. Or just use nm-

The before mentioned ipv4.method=shared is not very flexible and
doesn't allow you to easily configure every DHCP server option. But
simple things work easily.

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