[PATCH 2/2] dell: removed ID_MM_TELIT_PORTS_TAGGED dependency

Carlo Lobrano c.lobrano at gmail.com
Sat May 6 09:59:45 UTC 2017

> ​​
> I don't see any clear benefit in doing this; we're moving the match
> with the PID from the udev rules file to the actual source code, which
> means that if we ever get any other Dell-branded modem we'll need to
> update the source code instead of adding a new udev rules file. But...

This follows the first part of the patch, where the
ID_MM_TELIT_PORTS_TAGGED was removed, and then I though to remove it also
from here and reduce the dependency from udev, but I understand its not a
big change and can be dropped.

Looking at the actual purpose of the code; it looks like it's for
> minimizing probing time because Telit modems always reply well to
> AT+GMI , and that is actually the first command we try... so do we
> even need that logic there for anything? What happens if you remove
> the block setting the cgmi_retries and at_retries to 0?

​Only AT ports reply to AT+GMI, while for the others (5, if I remember
correctly) we need to try all the commands and the retries and wait for
timeout to go on.
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