PDP specific carriers

matthew stanger stangerm2 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 20:40:07 UTC 2017

> Sadly I have less and less free time every day, so it's hard to keep up
> with everything... :/ Help would be much appreciated

I hear you man :), will do if we produce anything in this area.

On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at aleksander.es
> wrote:

> >
> > You did the out-of-band patch for specifying PDP context in the bearer to
> > satisfy Verizon requirements and we didn't end up getting that stuff back
> > upstream since it seemed really too specific for general MM use. We just
> got
> > info back that major Japaneses carriers, NTT DOCOMO & Softbank, also have
> > the same deal and won't do 4G connections on PDP's other than 1. I was
> > wondering if the patch you did for us might be of greater value now
> knowing
> > that its not just Verizon? Do you have any thoughts or care's on this?
> >
> No new thoughts yet, although that new information is useful. The idea
> was that MM should have APIs to let the user configure the PDP
> contexts independently, and then say e.g. use this PDP context for
> connecting bearer X. I haven't investigated how to do this API,
> though, as among other things we would need to sync that development
> with the idea of having "autoconnected bearers".
> This could be a good new target development for the next dev series,
> 1.9.x, once 1.8 is out. Sadly I have less and less free time every
> day, so it's hard to keep up with everything... :/ Help would be much
> appreciated :)
> --
> Aleksander
> https://aleksander.es
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