trying to connect to different operators using --3gpp-register-in-operator

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Oct 24 08:08:28 UTC 2017


> Yes, it's like that, I'm calling --simple-disconnect and -d for the
> modem before enabling the modem again and trying to register via
> --3gpp-register-in-operator=xxx, then I check if I'm connected to the
> correct operator by comparing the operator in mmcli -m 0 to the operator
> I tried to connect to(can I verify like that that I'm connected to the
> correct operator?)
> If that is successfull, I use --simple-connect(do I even have to do that?)

That sequence looks quite well to me.

> So you see, I'm not doing a 3gpp scan explicitly, I'm just (simple)
> disconnecting, disabling the modem, enabling again, trying to (3gpp)
> register in operator, if successful I try to (simple) connect which is
> always successful if register in operator was successful before
> Do you have any advice for me what I could do right now?

I believe you can try to just call --simple-connect with the
additional "operator-id=XXXX" parameter; then just
--simple-disconnect, and retry the --simple-connect with the next
operator id and so on.


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