MC7750 missing SIM until ModemManager restart

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Wed Oct 10 20:09:25 UTC 2018

> Any way to have MM delay its initialization -- either by detecting "Absent" and not-initialized SIM, or just waiting 15 seconds? Or increase number of retries so it'll keep trying a while longer until it works?

We have a loop like that for MBIM modems. We query "Subscriber Ready
Status" and if it tells us "Not Initialized" or "SIM not inserted", we
sleep 1s and retry, up to 10 times. So not even that 10s loop would
catch the issue you're seeing, if it needs up to 15s. I guess we could
implement the same for QMI modems, or maybe even make it optional and
only do it for the MC7750?

Out of curiosity, have you tried different SIM cards?
Also, is the firmware you're using the latest one available for the MC7750?

> As a stopgap, is there a way to externally trigger MM to re-initialize a device when we detect it's stuck (via DBus maybe?) without power cycling the modem?

Hum... no, there is nothing like that right now.


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