Toby-L201 connect failure Ubuntu 18.04 Modem Manager 1.10.6 Linux Kernel Version 4.20.7

Cale Collins ccollins at
Tue Dec 10 01:05:45 UTC 2019


Thank you for your help.  I believe you're correct, if I don't use
ModemManger and execute the command "dhclient usb0", the interface is
working (pinging but not download).  I would love to know why it
won't download, but since ModemManger isn't part of the equation this
isn't the right place to ask.

If you have any patches to share with me to get --simple-connect
functional that would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Cale Collins
Field Applications Engineer
Gateworks Corporation
(805)781-2000 x37
3026 S. Higuera, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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