Built-in plugins?

Dan Williams dcbw at redhat.com
Fri Nov 15 16:04:09 UTC 2019

On Fri, 2019-11-15 at 16:10 +0100, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey,
> Is there any benefit in keeping per-vendor plugins installed as
> separate .so files and loaded during runtime?
> Does anyone know of any out-of-tree MM plugin out there? I would bet
> there isn't any as we truly haven't kept a stable plugin API like
> never ever.
> Thinking of installed size, I believe we may end up duplicating a lot
> of code when plugins share common code, as the utils libraries are
> not
> installed, they get incorporated in the plugins themselves. This also
> makes some unexpected runtime errors if a plugin tries to register a
> type that some other plugin has already registered (just had this one
> today with the new Foxconn plugin in git master, which shares code
> with the Dell plugin).
> What if we just simplify the setup and get all incorporated in the
> daemon binary itself (for MM 1.14 for example)?

It seems OK, but what's the size difference of MM binary with no
plugins, and with all plugins?


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