Configuration file for ModemManager

Brendan Simon (eTRIX) brendan.simon at
Fri Jul 24 07:06:11 UTC 2020

Hi MM devs,

*Is there a configuration file for ModemManager?*

I'm using Debian Buster.  With Network Manager there is the following.


I can control the log level of NetworkManager by adding a file in the 
`conf.d/` directory.

However I cannot find a way of changing the logging level of 
ModemManager, that is easy to do and system independent.
The only way I can do it is by modifying the systemd service script 
provided by Debian.
Well, copy that script to /etc/systemd/system/ and modify it.

Still I prefer to not have to modify systemd scripts directly.

*Is there anyway to control the logging level for ModemManager with a 
user configuration files ??*

Thanks, Brendan.

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