ANN: ModemManager 1.13.900 (1.14-rc1) released

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Thu Jun 4 12:32:32 UTC 2020

Hey hey!

This is the first release candidate for the next 1.14 stable version. There are important packaging changes involved, so this RC is mainly targeted for downstream package maintainers; please test your packaging updates and report issues, if any found.

The main packaging updates are these:

 * This version requires:
   ** GLib/GObject/GIO >= 2.48.0
   ** libmbim >= 1.23.900 (for the optional MBIM support). The final 1.14 will require 1.24.0.
   ** libqmi >= 1.25.900 (for the optional QMI support). The final 1.14 will require 1.26.0.

 * Build updated with several improvements:
   ** The build has been updated to use by default all warnings enabled by AX_COMPILER_FLAGS(), and therefore when building the release from a git checkout, autoconf-archive >= 2017.03.21 is now required. This new build dependency isn't required when building from the release tarball.
   ** Also when building from a git checkout, beware because by default --enable-compile-warnings=error is enabled, which implies -Werror. If you'd like to build from git and avoid -Werror, you should explicitly use --enable-compile-warnings=yes (to keep the warnings but without being errors), --enable-compile-warnings=no (to disable all the extra warnings enabled by default) or --disable-Werror (to unconditionally make all compiler warnings non-fatal).
   ** Users can now preselect which plugins to build and install during configure, with the --enable-plugin-[PLUGIN-NAME] options. The user can also build and install all except for some, just by using the --enable-all-plugins option followed by --disable-plugin-[PLUGIN-NAME]. By default all plugins are enabled, so all of them built and installed. This new set of options are useful for users building custom systems where they already know what kind of devices they're going to have, it isn't recommended for standard distributions.

Full NEWS update here:



Download here:

Verify it:
    $ sha256sum ModemManager-1.13.900.tar.xz 
    802422af3189e558bea1bfdf6655e9d47415e899e2e18d2e5c2a6cb730446822  ModemManager-1.13.900.tar.xz

Please report bugs either to:
    modemmanager-devel at

Or to gitlab:


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