When to call SetInitialEpsBearerSettings

Andrew Lassalle andrewlassalle at google.com
Wed May 5 23:35:34 UTC 2021

Hi Aleksander,
We are using SetInitialEpsBearerSettings to set the default-attach APN for
some carriers. When the user manually changes from an APN which is not
Attach to an Attach one(or vice versa), we disable the modem and re-enable
it to have a clean slate.
This works fine, except that sometimes after re-enabling the modem,
the 3GPP registration state changes to `registering` before shill(network
manager) receives the 3gpp Properties change from MM which allows shill to
select the best APN including the ones returned by MM. This means that
shill doesn't have enough time to set the InitialEpsBearerSettings before
MM tries to register.

What should be the correct flow to set InitialEpsBearerSettings so MM
always uses those settings?

Note: We haven't downstreamed for 2 months, so I am not sure if the new
Profiles stuff changes anything.
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