Signal quality not updated with Quectel EG25 through QMI

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Fri Oct 1 09:41:46 UTC 2021

> I did your suggested modifications (patches mm-broadband-modem-qmi.c) and it seems to change nothing (I keep getting my signal quality "cached" and I don't see "Signal Strength" indications beside in the beginning of modem initialization)

If you cannot physically remove the antenna for the testing, can you
at least move the modem around? You may also enable the extended
signal interface with e.g. a 10s rate and see if the reported RSSI
values change across the thresholds you configured. The key to
understand is whether we can see the indications arriving when the
values cross the threholds.

I've looked around the code and there is also a warning I added a
while ago regarding the amount of thresholds we can configure. Looks
like we should not configure many because there are devices that don't
like them, so we left 5 thresholds by default. I understand this may
not be fully desirable, as it would mean just a few signal updates
happening only when the values change a lot. The new suggested
thresholds here should help to get more indications, but it may not be
enough. Maybe switching to the signal info indications (as per the
"newest QMI commands" logic) would make more sense, that is something
that could also be investigated.


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