Extending OpenWRt ModemManager protocol handler

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Mon Jan 10 13:46:42 UTC 2022

Hey Peter,

> > So here I am at my second attempt to build a solution to enable multi-modems and
> > multi-bearers usage in OpenWRt, with re-connection handling for persistent
> > connectivity.
> >
> This doesn't do anything about multiple modems, but here's my patch for
> retry.  Without this, in some instances, ModemManager/netifd will simply
> give up and you'll be left with a stopped state.

Please note that patch you're suggesting is reworking the modem
detection, nothing to do with the actual connectivity. The missing
netifd integration still applies.
Regarding that patch; is 45s not enough in your case? If so, the
solution would be to increase the timeout, not sure about adding an
extra loop for that.


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