Extending OpenWRt ModemManager protocol handler

Peter Naulls peter at chocky.org
Mon Jan 10 13:49:48 UTC 2022

On 1/10/22 8:46 AM, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey Peter,
>>> So here I am at my second attempt to build a solution to enable multi-modems and
>>> multi-bearers usage in OpenWRt, with re-connection handling for persistent
>>> connectivity.
>> This doesn't do anything about multiple modems, but here's my patch for
>> retry.  Without this, in some instances, ModemManager/netifd will simply
>> give up and you'll be left with a stopped state.
> Please note that patch you're suggesting is reworking the modem
> detection, nothing to do with the actual connectivity. The missing
> netifd integration still applies.
> Regarding that patch; is 45s not enough in your case? If so, the
> solution would be to increase the timeout, not sure about adding an
> extra loop for that.

The timeout doesn't matter. Whatever you set it to, it will always be at
some point "not long enough".  The point is that the outer infinite loop.

The white space in my patch is a mess, so that might not be obvious.

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