"DeviceNotReady" when enabling modem on Qualcomm SM7225

Luca Weiss luca at z3ntu.xyz
Sat Jan 22 19:09:52 UTC 2022

Hi, I'm trying to get modemmanager to work on Fairphone 4 mainline (SoC is 
Snapdragon 750G, sm7225)

(sidenote, sm6350 is very similar to sm7225 apart from clock speeds and some 
minor hardware differences)

The modem remoteproc comes up fine, and (as it's a dual SIM device) after I 
select the correct "application" in the privisioning session (see https://
wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/User:TravMurav/Dual-Sim_QMI_draft) the mmcli output 
looks okay to me.

$ mmcli -m 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  General  |              path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0                                                                                        
           |         device id: 46e6d18484ff43e780268699ddc1ca2555ed07cc
  Hardware |      manufacturer: QUALCOMM INCORPORATED
           |             model: 0
           | firmware revision: MPSS.HI.2.0.1.c6-00447-BITRA_GEN_PACK-1  1  
[Jun 08 2021 18:00:00]
           |    carrier config: default  
           |      h/w revision: 10000   
           |      equipment id: 355870090002350
  System   |            device: qcom-soc
           |           drivers: ipa, qrtr
           |            plugin: qcom-soc                                                                                                                      
           |      primary port: qrtr0   
           |             ports: qrtr0 (qmi), rmnet_ipa0 (net)
  Status   |              lock: sim-pin2
           |    unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-
puk2 (10)
           |             state: disabled                     
           |       power state: off
           |    signal quality: 0% (cached)       
  Modes    |         supported: allowed: any; preferred: none       
           |           current: allowed: any; preferred: none               
  IP       |         supported: ipv4, ipv6, ipv4v6
  SIM      |  primary sim path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/1
           |    sim slot paths: slot 1: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
           |                    slot 2: none (active)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

As far as I know then I am supposed to enable the modem using "mmcli -m 0 -e" 
but running this gives the following error:

error: couldn't enable the modem: 
'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.libqmi.Error.Protocol.DeviceNotReady: Couldn't 
set operating mode: QMI protocol error (52): 'DeviceNotReady''

As far as I understand this is the modem firmware returning this error code (I 
assume modem logs would tell what's going on but I'm not aware of a way to 
retrieve them - on mainline at least).

I also uploaded the log of "/usr/sbin/ModemManager --debug --log-level=DEBUG 
--log-file=modemmanager.log --log-timestamps" here: 

Anyone have an idea what's going on here and what might be missing in my 


Original GitLab issue:

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