Simulate or mock modems

Frederic Martinsons frederic.martinsons at
Sun Jun 18 17:05:49 UTC 2023

Hello Fernando,

For testing my applications, I personally use the stub/mock from MM git
sources (

It is aimed to mock the whole modemmanager process though (not a single
modem device) but maybe it can feed your needs.

Le mer. 14 juin 2023, 21:34, Fernando B <fredz0003 at> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I figure to ask in this community since most likely everyone deals with
> modems on a regular basis. I work with edge devices, and sometimes the LTE
> signal around the house is bad (wfh). We mainly use verizon and att. I have
> a few scripts that I need to test, I come from the full stack dev world,
> where we can sometimes mock (fake) certain things, so I was wondering if
> such a thing exists for LTE modems, a simulator or a mock device in order
> to streamline testing.
> Thank you,
> Fernando B.

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