May I commit binary files into MM project?

Slark Xiao slark_xiao at
Thu Apr 18 02:44:30 UTC 2024

Hi Aleksander,
Thanks for your advice.

I added '--debug' into ExecStart in ModemManager.service and got this attached log.
We can see it returns non-zero value from script.
But this is really strange since we execute it by command ModeManager has no
this non-zero issue.

BTW, the single command support debug print as below:
/usr/bin/FccLock -d /dev/$MBIM_PORT -v > tool.log 2>&1
But nothing would be printed when this command called by 'systemctl start MM.service'.
So now we have been stucked in our binary debug(not sure if this is the main cause).

At 2024-04-17 16:02:32, "Aleksander Morgado" <aleksandermj at> wrote:


Sorry bother you again. In our local another PC, the way previous I used
don't work by method 'sudo systemctl start ModemManager'.

But command method 'sudo ModemManager' works.
There are 2 attachments for reference.
ModemManager.log was generated by command
  'sudo ModemManager --debug --log-level=DEBUG'
And ModemManager.service.log was generated by command
 'sudo systemctl start ModemManager'

We can see modem can attach to NW in ModemManager.log since Fcc Lock
has been unlocked, even though there is no unlock message print(does it
reasonable?). But in another log, we can see modem was stuck in state3 and


Looks like in the case of the systemd service start, MM is not finding the FCC unlock script for some reason? Try to enable debug MM logging in the systemd service file, and check the filesystem paths reported by the daemon where it's looking for the unlock script.


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