QUECTEL ECM with Modem Manager

Aleksander Morgado aleksandermj at chromium.org
Tue Jan 30 10:39:43 UTC 2024


> First of all, i would like to thank you for taking time reading and
> answering this.
> We are currently using Modem Manager on various project and planned to
> move from SIMCOM (qmi) chipset to Quectel for cost reduction.
> We successfully makes Quectel working with ModemManager with PPP. But for
> better compatibility with our other services it should be better with ECM.
> Is it possible for modem manager to priorise ECM instead of PPP by using
> specific AT commands using plugin ?
> And display bearer state such like ppp, qmi, mbim ?
> Is priorizing ECM on PPP via plugin in conform to Modem Manager mindset
> and should be released inside Modem Manager?
Yes, using ECM over PPP would be preferred, definitely. Now, the Quectel
plugin in MM doesn't have any custom support for ECM setup, and that would
need to be implemented. Being a Quectel modem, have you tried to set it up
in QMI or MBIM mode instead of ECM? MM already supports QMI and MBIM so you
would not need any additional change in the code to support those modes. If
the Quectel modem you're trying to use does not support QMI or MBIM, then
updating the Quectel plugin to support ECM would be best.

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