Assistance Needed with SIM Card Issue Causing QMI Operation Failures

Daniel Edwards daniel.edwards at
Tue Mar 5 19:21:37 UTC 2024


Still having serious issues with this issue..

Is there any insight where the QMI errors are coming from? Is it the modem
that is telling MM that there is something wrong?


On Thu, 1 Feb 2024, 17:48 Daniel Edwards, <daniel.edwards at>

> Hi,
> I'm reaching out to seek guidance regarding an issue I've been
> experiencing with ModemManager, specifically related to certain SIM cards
> causing QMI operation failures, which ultimately leads to the modem being
> marked as invalid.
> To give you a brief overview, the modem still responds to AT commands and
> shows that it's connected and registered to the correct home network, but
> the modem will not show in mmcli -L, and the device will stay unconnected.
> With other SIMs it will work fine.
> The modem is a SIM7600G.
> Here is a log with --debug enabled
> Sometimes the problematic SIM will work and connect the device to the
> internet, but I have not found a way to reliably recreate this scenario.
> Cheers,
> Daniel Edwards
> Q Yachts Oy
> Technical Engineer
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