[Networkmanager] IPv6 and the loopback device /connection...

Thomas Haller thaller at redhat.com
Thu Nov 9 05:35:44 UTC 2023

On Wed, 2023-11-08 at 23:50 +0000, Ed V. wrote:
> GENERAL.STATE:                          100 (connected (externally))

The profile "lo" activated here is not the profile "lo" that you
configured.  Also, you should see in `nmcli connection` that there are
two profiles named "lo".

Find out, why your manually configured profile is not autoactivated.
(or activate it manually, with `nmcli connection up e28dad0f-5e9b-4e49-

(maybe don't use the same name for the profile, as the one that would
be autogenerated. `nmcli connection modify e28dad0f-5e9b-4e49-86df-
9252443dd185 con-name my-loopback` to avoid confusion)


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