[Networkmanager] NetworkManager not always respecting gsm.sim-operator-id

Fredrik Ellertsen fredrik.ellertsen at disruptive-technologies.com
Fri Nov 10 09:37:06 UTC 2023


We are using NetworkManager 1.36.9 together with ModemManager 1.18.12 to manage
a dual-SIM LTE modem requiring different connection profiles for the two SIMs.
The connection files specify sim-operator-id to match either of the two SIMs.
When the device boots, however, we see that NetworkManager auto-activates the
wrong connection, and seems to ignore our sim-operator-id setting. It seems that
NetworkManager doesn't receive the relevant SIM information from ModemManager in
time and assumes that the SIM is locked (which in our case, it isn't). This was
verified by replacing our connection files with a single phony connection file
specifying a non-existent sim-operator-id -- this was also auto-connected by

This is the logic that I believe is causing us trouble:

This problem eventually clears up when NetworkManager receives the SIM operator
ID, but it is a nuisance because it increases the time from power-on until the
device is online. Our devices should be online as soon as possible after boot.

I suspect we might be an edge case, but is there any way to support our


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