[Networkmanager] NetworkManager not always respecting gsm.sim-operator-id

Beniamino Galvani bgalvani at redhat.com
Wed Nov 29 09:24:02 UTC 2023

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 10:37:06AM +0100, Fredrik Ellertsen wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using NetworkManager 1.36.9 together with ModemManager 1.18.12 to manage
> a dual-SIM LTE modem requiring different connection profiles for the two SIMs.
> The connection files specify sim-operator-id to match either of the two SIMs.
> When the device boots, however, we see that NetworkManager auto-activates the
> wrong connection, and seems to ignore our sim-operator-id setting. It seems that
> NetworkManager doesn't receive the relevant SIM information from ModemManager in
> time and assumes that the SIM is locked (which in our case, it isn't). This was
> verified by replacing our connection files with a single phony connection file
> specifying a non-existent sim-operator-id -- this was also auto-connected by
> NetworkManager.
> This is the logic that I believe is causing us trouble:
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/-/blob/90ef7aeed39f27db204f5d4d43497bb693fc9f5e/src/core/devices/wwan/nm-modem.c#L1090
> This problem eventually clears up when NetworkManager receives the SIM operator
> ID, but it is a nuisance because it increases the time from power-on until the
> device is online. Our devices should be online as soon as possible after boot.
> I suspect we might be an edge case, but is there any way to support our
> use-case?

Hi Fredrik,

thanks for reporting the problem. I'm not very familiar with the modem
support in NetworkManager; would you mind opening an issue at


so that it can be tracked and hopefully someone can investigate and
fix it?

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