RedHat /Implicit/default connection(s)

Thomas HUMMEL thomas.hummel at
Thu Apr 25 10:32:54 UTC 2024


Running NetworkManager-1.40.16 on RHEL 8.8 on "statless" nodes (i.e. PXE 
booted (kernel+initrd+rootfs image, OS stays in RAM) I can list 2 
deactivated profiles (which is correct, I don't want them activated) :

System enp33s0f0  03a3d6a6-33d2-bba1-f78c-e1d7861520ba  ethernet    -- 

Wired Connection  e1cd609f-9b71-45ef-acaf-06921613e27b  ethernet    --

[The only physically connected ethernet nic is enp33s0f0]

The only NM config values I set in conf.d/ are:


No profile exist on disk, neither in system-connections/ nor in 

ifcfg-plugin is commented out in conf but it may be the default for this 
version as obviously ifcfg-* files are read when set up

My question is quite naive: I cannot be sure of where those 2 profiles 
come from :

1. Wired Connection: shouldn't no-auto-default=* prevent it to be created ?

2. System enp33s0f0: I'm not sure if this comes from some default (for 
instance built-in dhcp request) behavior of NM or if the provisionning 
software I'm using created it.

Additionnal question:

Does NM do anything about profiles set up by its counterpart (which 
could be NM or not) in initialramfs ? I guess it could see them as 
external ? Does it somehow inherit them making them "internal" ?

Thanks for your help


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