RedHat /Implicit/default connection(s)

Thomas Haller thaller at
Fri Apr 26 08:14:38 UTC 2024

On Thu, 2024-04-25 at 12:32 +0200, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:
> Hello,
> Running NetworkManager-1.40.16 on RHEL 8.8 on "statless" nodes (i.e.
> PXE 
> booted (kernel+initrd+rootfs image, OS stays in RAM) I can list 2 
> deactivated profiles (which is correct, I don't want them activated)
> :
> System enp33s0f0  03a3d6a6-33d2-bba1-f78c-e1d7861520ba  ethernet    -
> - 
> Wired Connection  e1cd609f-9b71-45ef-acaf-06921613e27b  ethernet    -
> -
> [The only physically connected ethernet nic is enp33s0f0]
> The only NM config values I set in conf.d/ are:
>      no-auto-default=*
>      hostname-mode=none
> No profile exist on disk, neither in system-connections/ nor in 
> network-scripts/

Profiles always exist on disk. See `nmcli -f all connections`. See also

> ifcfg-plugin is commented out in conf but it may be the default for
> this 
> version as obviously ifcfg-* files are read when set up

The commented out part informs you about the default.

> My question is quite naive: I cannot be sure of where those 2
> profiles 
> come from :
> 1. Wired Connection: shouldn't no-auto-default=* prevent it to be
> created ?

no-auto-default prevents to automatically generate profiles for
ethernet. Those are always called "Wired connection $NUMBER".

A profile "Wired Connection" most likely was generated by nm-initrd-
generator, depending on the kernel command line /proc/cmdline.

If you don't want that, the simplest way is to adjust your boot command
line. I guess, you could also generate a initrd that does what you
want. See also `keep-configuration` and `allowed-connections` setting
in `man NetworkManager.conf`, which could be used to prevent activating
those profiles in real-root. It depends on what you want to happen...

> 2. System enp33s0f0: I'm not sure if this comes from some default
> (for 
> instance built-in dhcp request) behavior of NM or if the
> provisionning 
> software I'm using created it.

It comes probably from file /eyc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-

Or maybe it was migrated to keyfile. In any case, see `nmcli -f all
connection` for the FILENAME.

> Additionnal question:
> Does NM do anything about profiles set up by its counterpart (which 
> could be NM or not) in initialramfs ?

If the counter part is not NetworkManager, then somebody else
configures those interfaces. NetworkManager likely sees that the
interface is already configured, and generates an "external"
connection. That is not very useful. NM won't do anything about that

If the counter part is NetworkManager + nm-initrd-generator, then NM in
initrd configures the interface and leaves suitable configuration
behind, so that after switch root, NetworkManager takes over the
configuration again.

> I guess it could see them as 
> external ?

External means that somebody else configured the interface. NM tries to
detect that and not do anything with the interface. Since it's not
generally possible to detect when somebody uses an interface without
telling NetworkManager, that doesn't work overly well. If you don't
want the interface managed by NetworkManager, configure it as
unmanaged. If you want it managed by NetworkManager, don't configure it
outside of NetworkManager's knowledge.

> Does it somehow inherit them making them "internal" ?

profiles generated by nm-initrd-generator are (usually) in
/run/NetworkManager/system-connections. They are regular profiles.
"external" is really the device: when NetworkManager sees that the
device was already configured by somebody else.


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