RedHat /Implicit/default connection(s)

Thomas HUMMEL thomas.hummel at
Mon Apr 29 18:35:47 UTC 2024

On 4/29/24 20:08, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:

> thanks for your reply but I don't see anything in /etc/cmdline.d/ 
> (inside initrd) if this is what you have in mind.

I get it now: software appends BOOTIF=<mac address> cmdline param.
So this is what must be processed by nm-initrd-generator.

I still don't get how I can check/confirm what dracut module (between 
nm-initrd-generator and network-legacy is actually used (but that's more 
a dracut question).

So thanks all for your help and sorry I was slow to get it on this one 
but I was confused by all the moving parts involved (and actually 
confused Wired Connection with Wired Connection n)

> thanks for your help

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