RedHat /Implicit/default connection(s)

Thomas HUMMEL thomas.hummel at
Tue Apr 30 17:54:20 UTC 2024

On 4/29/24 20:35, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:

> So thanks all for your help and sorry I was slow to get it on this one 
> but I was confused by all the moving parts involved (and actually 
> confused Wired Connection with Wired Connection n)


it turns out a lot were indeed involved:

1. BOOTIF= cmdline made NM dracut module create 'Wired Connection' 
profile at cmdline stage
2. my provisionning software (xCAT) set 'netroot=xcat' at cmdline stage
3. NM dracut module called /usr/sbin/netroot with ifname as arg searched 
in the statedir at initqueue/settled stage
4.netroot constructs a handler name from netroot value and executes a 
script installed by xcat (/usr/sbin/xcatroot) which creates the 
ifcf-enp33s0f0 without a NAME attribute, which NM id's as 'System enp33s0f0'

thank again for your help


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