Web browsing the Mobile broadband provider info database

Aleksander Morgado aleksandermj at chromium.org
Thu Jan 11 10:07:21 UTC 2024

Hey Thomas!

> > https://mobilebroadbandprovider.info
> ..
> > What do you all think?
> The information of the German mobile ISP is not really up to date.
> e.g. for Telekom, almost all known APN were listed, including the IPv6
> capabilities.
> At least for o2 and vodafone directly IPv4/IPv6 is available (dualstack
> is default). But that is not mentioned in the list.
> Regarding the list of subs and resellers/MVNO I have no clue about if
> they still exist and if they have the same IPv6 features like the real
> network operators.
Patches definitely welcome

The database has a lot of outdated entries, but if you can identify some
clear things to fix, please post merge requests with the suggestions.

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