[Nice] Gracefull fallback, renegotiations?

Olivier Crête olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 13:08:46 PDT 2008


On Tue, 2008-06-24 at 10:02 +0300, Kai.Vehmanen at nokia.com wrote:
> >Maybe we should allow set_selected_pair() first (and same the 
> >name of the candidates) and then set the remote candidates and 
> >if they match, not do connectivity checks, but start sending 
> >immediately. Would that sound good?
> Hmm, that's a bit messy (you'd pass an remote candidate id 
> that the library doesn't yet know about). How about if we
> simply provide a new fallback function that both selects
> the local candidate, and describes a remote candidates  (so 
> a combination of set_remote_candidates and set_selected_pair)...?
> The same function could be later on be used to change either
> the local (or remote) candidate (without accidentally restarting
> ICE processing).

I guess the api would look like this in nice:

gboolean nice_agent_set_selected_candidates (NiceAgent *agent, guint
stream, guint component, const gchar *local_foundation, NiceCandidate

With maybe the ability to pass a NULL foundation to make it auto-select
one and a NULL candidate (to force a disconnected state).

and like this in Fs2 (we don't expose components, so we'd have to pass a
list of candidates).

fs_stream_set_selected_candidates(FsStream *stream, gchar
*local_foundation, GList *remote_candidates, GError **error)

What that make sense?

Olivier Crête
olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Collabora Ltd
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