[Nice] Request for review: MS-TURN TCP transport support

Jakub Adam jakub.adam at ktknet.cz
Sat Nov 17 08:01:51 PST 2012


I developed a series of libnice patches that enable TCP connection with MS Lync
media relay servers according to [1], with the initial purpose to enhance A/V
capabilities of Pidgin Sipe plugin[2].

Now I'd like to contribute this code to libnice and kindly ask for its review first.
You can fetch it from [3], the actual patches are in branch ms-turn-tcp.

[1] http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6/F/16F4E321-AA6B-4FA3-8AD3-E94C895A3C97/%5BMS-TURN%5D.pdf
[2] http://sipe.sourceforge.net
[3] http://repo.or.cz/w/sipe-libnice.git



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