[Nice] Fwd: compatibility with rfc5766-turn-server

Youness Alaoui youness.alaoui at collabora.co.uk
Tue Jul 30 19:07:01 PDT 2013


I do not believe I ever tried rfc5766-turn-server. I was testing with
turnserver.org but libnice should work if the server follows the RFC.
I believe Madaro did a lot more testing with TURN than I did and maybe he can
provide some help.
Without the code you used to setup libnice or logs, there's not much I can help
you with.
Unfortunately, I do not have time at the moment for libnice maintenance so I
can't test it for now.
If you figure out what the issue is and it's a bug in libnice, a patch would be


On 07/30/2013 07:35 AM, Chunfeng Zhang wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Chunfeng Zhang* <crazypandar at gmail.com <mailto:crazypandar at gmail.com>>
> Date: 2013/7/30
> Subject: compatibility with rfc5766-turn-server
> To: nice-owner at lists.freedesktop.org <mailto:nice-owner at lists.freedesktop.org>
> We use libnice to test with stund and rfc5766-turn-server.
> It worked with stund, but failed with rfc5766-turn-server.
> When we use rfc5766-turn-server as stun server, libnice can not gather the
> public candidates.
> And we tested another ICE client project: pjnath with rfc5766-turn-server, it works.
> here is the project address of rfc5766-turn-server.
> https://code.google.com/p/rfc5766-turn-server/
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Lincoln Zhang
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Lincoln Zhang
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