[libnice] libnice not negotiating well with itself
Stuart Marshall
stuart at seelye.net
Thu Apr 2 04:59:27 UTC 2020
I’ve got two libnice instances that aren’t successfully negotiating with each other. I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this. Logs are attached.
Process 1 is a native Linux amd64 exe using gstreamer. It’s trying to establish a webrtc connection to a server from behind a NAT firewall. This exe is using GStreamer 1.16. It’s running on Ubuntu 18.04. I’ve tried using the default 1.14 libnice as well as a privately compiled libnice 1.16. The security group is configured to allow all UDP to come in.
Process 2 is a Java app running on Ubuntu 18.04 on EC2. It’s also using GStreamer 1.16. It is using the default libnice 1.14 on the system.
Both processes leverage a stun server that I’m running. I’ve tried it with the public Google stun server with the same results.
I can see the two libnices exchange stun messages on viable addresses and ports. One appears to connect component 1 and the other connects component 2. Neither connects both. I’m quite puzzled about why this is failing.
I have not done a packet capture yet, nor have I walked through the libnice code. I could do both, but would love to get a solution that would save me that effort. Hope somebody on the list can help.
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