[libnice] RELEASE: libnice 0.1.17
Olivier CrĂȘte
olivier.crete at collabora.com
Fri May 22 20:55:35 UTC 2020
I'm very pleased to announce libnice 0.1.17
This is the last release with autotools. The next version will only
have meson, so it's a good time for packagers to update their packages!
Key changes are:
Add API to retrieve the underlying BSD sockets
Support systems with multiple loopback devices
Ignore non-running network interfaces
Ignore multiple interface prefixes
Now tries to nominate matching pairs across components and streams
Retry TURN deallocation on timeout, requires not destoying the
NiceAgent right after the stream
Use different port for every host candidate
Make timeouts and retransmissions more in line with the RFCs
Find OpenSSL without pkg-config, for Windows
Complete meson support
GLib required version update to 2.54
Removed deprecated GLib APIs
Many ICE compatibility and performance improvements
Many bug fixes
Olivier CrĂȘte
olivier.crete at collabora.com
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