[Nouveau] Testing

Christopher James Halse Rogers raof at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 31 23:54:41 PDT 2011

On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 23:16 -0400, Martin Owens wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two quick questions if you will indulge me:
>  1) What proportion of functionality is covered by 100% automated tests?

Hm.  Some :).

It depends on what you're interested in:
 *) mesa has the piglit test suite, which covers quite a lot of GL
functionality.  It tests quite a lot of things which aren't implemented,
though, so it's most useful at picking up regressions.
 *) There's the rendercheck suite for X rendering.  I've not used it.
 *) There's modetest (in the libdrm tree) for kms testing

>  2) What danger is presented to users who run tests?

A significant probability of X crashing or the GPU locking up.  I don't
think it's particularly more likely to physically damage hardware than
just using nouveau normally.

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