[Nouveau] Logo Nouveau

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 18:50:17 PST 2014

On 16.11.2014 21:03, valeria aguilera wrote:
> Dear community members,
> Im a graphic designer and for the last couple of months I have been working on a new logo for the Nouveau project. After sending preliminary designs to both Martin Peres and Ilia Mirkin, we have decided to share the logo in order to gather your feedback. 
> I would like to highlight that the logo incorporates a penguin corresponding to the linux kernel components used to create this open source driver. The 3D cube/shape represents the 2D and 3D acceleration capability. The ā€œnā€ simply stands for the first letter in Nouveau and the green colour was chosen because the driver is for NVIDIA video cards.
> Please provide Martin and Ilia with your comments and preferences, since they both have been the ones giving me the design requirements. 
> Valeria Aguilera. 		 	   		  

Never ask engineers for design, it will always bring out the cube. :)
We all know Claudia would rather drive a german, but Valeria do you have something more fluid designed, something like a una macchina italiana.


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