[Nouveau] A request for Virtual GPU based on Nouveau

Jack Coulter jscinoz at jscinoz.so
Sun Mar 5 23:54:08 UTC 2017

Hi Jay,

On 25/02/17 14:39, Zhengjie (PARC) wrote:
> I know the nouveau project aims to build high-quality, free/libre
> software drivers for nVidia cards
> <https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/>. Maybe
> the nouveau project developers can do something to help GPU
> Virtualization. So I’d like to ask whether there is the possibility of
> cooperation on GPU Virtualization between Huawei and the nouveau project.
> Maybe there is another way for cooperation. But I don’t know how. Or
> you can give some advices to us on GPU Virtualization based on
> nouveau. That will be grateful. I’m looking forward to you reply.
I'm no kernel dev, but it's worth mentioning a lot of infrastructure for
GPU virtualisation was merged in 4.10; specifically the GVT
functionality written by Intel which makes use of the VFIO mediated
device framework which itself landed in 4.9, I believe (I could be
mistaken). It may be worth while asking on the intel-gvt-dev list [1]
too, as we would surely all benefit from having standard interfaces for
virtual GPUs regardless of hardware vendor.

You may wish to have a look at the following files & directories in the
kernel source tree:


None of this is specifically related to nouveau, but there's certainly
some common infrastructure (mdev) that could be utilised.

[1] https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/intel-gvt-dev


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