[Openchrome-devel] The TTM branch.

Thomas Hellstrom thomas
Mon Mar 2 13:17:56 PST 2009

Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> Thomas Hellstr?m wrote:
>> I'll be working a little on my spare time on this. The plan is to
>>    1. Fix EXA problems
>>    2. Get XvMC working again.
>>    3. Merge with trunk to get the latest modesetting / cursor bits.
>>    4. Fix the 2D driver so it will run without DRM
>>    5. Start merging in VIAs Chrome 9 bits into the new DRM.
> Hi Thomas,
> From the testing I've done on a KM400, it seems your work is 
> progressing nicely, and I appreciate a lot :-) I'll be moving the 
> KM400 to xserver 1.6 shortly and I'll report back, especially on the 
> EXA issues.
Hi, Xavier,
I think most if not all EXA issues should be gone with xserver 1.6 and 
latest TTM branch head.
> I was wondering about the status of step 3. While I will not be able 
> to test XvMC (step 2) on the KM400 (only capable of IDCT and MC, this 
> is not implemented and I don't think it's in the scope of your work to 
> get that done), I also have an VX800 that I can devote for general and 
> EXA testing. It's not XvMC capable either, but even basic 2D support 
> needs the trunk bits merged in. I'll still have the CLE266 to test 
> XvMC on, but I'll wait for your work to hit the various mainline 
> trees, as this is somewhat a production machine. Do you have any idea 
> when you'll be able to spend time on merging trunk to the ttm branch ? 
> Just asking, I understand you are busy with job and real life.
Well I've actually found a 3D performance regression with the TTM branch 
and older unichromes. I'm currently looking at that so it will take some 
time before I get to 2) and 3).


> Cheers,
> Xavier

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