[Openchrome-devel] Fix for bug introduced with changeset 1051
Thomas Schlichter
Fri Dec 9 18:34:11 PST 2011
Dear James,
I've been testing your latest openchrome changes (thanks again for your
ongoing work!) and found a bug introduced with changeset 1051. The problem is
that drm_bo_alloc() will not correctly allocate memory for the domains
TTM_PL_VRAM and TTM_PL_TT when directRenderingType is != DRI_1.
There is also an older bug that makes drm_bo_alloc() return the pointer to a
freed buffer_object in case viaOffScreenLinear() also was unsuccessful. Instead
NULL should be returned.
A third, minor, problem is following format string:
DEBUG(ErrorF("%u of DRI memory allocated at %llx\n", obj->size, obj->offset));
Both fields ("size" and "offset") are unsigned long values, so the format
strings should be "%lu" and "%lx".
All these bugs/problems are fixed with the attached patch.
Kind regards,
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname : fix_drm_bo_alloc.patch
Dateityp : text/x-patch
Dateigröße : 1997 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-devel/attachments/20111210/db8d6ba6/fix_drm_bo_alloc.bin
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