[Openchrome-devel] openchrome-0.3.0 testing on XO

Daniel Drake dsd
Mon Jul 30 12:43:15 PDT 2012


Thanks for the continued work on openchrome.
I've tested the latest release on OLPC XO-1.5, Fedora 17 (X server
1.12.2). (just the standard userspace/kernel combination, KMS not

This version fixes all of the immediate rendering issues that were
visible on 0.2.906 in this setup.

X video is not working, tested with: gst-launch videotestsrc ! xvimagesink
It just produces an all-black window.
This is the same on openchrome-0.2.906 on the same setup, but this
definitely was working in the past (on older driver and/or older X

Screen rotation doesn't work, it causes the gfx engine to die (tested
with: xrandr -o left)
(On 0.2.906 this instead failed with a BadMatch error.)

Other than that it's looking good after a few minutes testing.


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