[Openchrome-users] [via_cmdbuf_wait] error

Thomas Hellström unichrome
Mon Dec 26 18:02:15 PST 2005


Jerry Bell wrote:

> Hi,
> II have a Via Epia MII-6000 running KnoppMyth. I've made some changes 
> to get hardware acceleration running under MythTV.  Currently I'm 
> running the openChrome 20051116 snapshot.   Everything works, I'm 
> seeing 20-25% cpu usage in live and recorded tv playback at 720x480.  
> But from time the myth frontend locks up and I get these messages in 
> syslog:
> mythtv kernel: [drm:via_cmdbuf_wait] *ERROR* via_cmdbuf_wait timed out 
> hw 63500 curr_addr 400 next_addr 844d0
> Once this starts, it happens a lot: "mythtv last message repeated 22x 
> times" every minute or so.
> Any idea what could be causing this?
> Thanks,
> Jerry
I'm not completely sure what is causing it, but it seems like the AGP 
DMA Engine is having trouble. In this case I suspect the mpeg decoder is 
being fed invalid data, which puts the chip in an unstable state.  From 
a developer's perspective it might be overcome with better error 
checking involving possibly resetting parts of the chip when this stuff 

 From a user's point of view you could try disabling AGP DMA in the 
Xorg.conf file. This will, however, make your computer use more CPU.


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