[Openchrome-users] HW mpeg2 and CLE266

userforum@openchrome.org userforum
Tue Nov 15 13:50:50 PST 2005

HW mpeg2 and CLE266
I read the [http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Supported+hardware+and+tweaks] page. I states that CLE266 can decode up to 1024x1024 pixel MPEG2 streams. Most current digital TV is much less than that. What interests me more is at what resolution can it output the decoded stream? 

I currently watch on a 1024x768 TFT flat panel. Is the CLE266 capable of driving a 1368x768 panel through VGA out? Is it capable of driving the same panel at 1368x768 through a S-video -> SCART cable? (I have a few of my own construction that have sound and S-video to SCART capablity).

I understand that the decoded DVB stream will be scaled up by Xine as it is now.

Am I correct in my assumptions?



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