[Openchrome-users] EPIA SP 13000 and ubuntu

Michele bramik
Thu Nov 24 01:33:51 PST 2005

Hi all

I posted today on viaarena.com forum about epia sp 13000 & linux (debian 

Someone kindly  said me that I should use openchrome driver instead of 
via driver

During this afternoon I tried to install openchrome on my debian.

I followed this instructions:


I tried with  kernel  2.6.12-3
drm compiled ok  
but  drm not  correctly loaded (so xorg  logs said..)
with xorg crash

So I abandoned installation ..

Tonight I formatted my epia  with debian (in perfect windows style ....  
)after having seen this:
http://www.openchrome.org/snapshots/ubuntu/ (with compiled packages)
and I installed ubuntu (my first time)

I was hoping in a easy way to use this platform (EPIA SP) with ubuntu 
(CN 400 mpeg acceleration too)
but after having installed the packages I tried glxgears and it was very 
very very slow ...  and with top I saw xorg taking 99% of CPU ...
glxgears is so slow that it doesn't give back any fps after many seconds ...

Is there a very simple way to configure this platform with ubuntu or 
other distribution ????
a simple guide for dummies ?
a guide with no possibilities of make any kind of mistake ?

I should work with S-video and plasma (pal )
but this is an other problem (the efforts of tonight were made with a 
crt monitor)

For S-video should I configure bios and xorg.conf file, right ?

Are instruction at:

correct ? (With PAL instead of NTSC (for me) )

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Generic Video Card"
	Driver		"via"
	Option		"ActiveDevice"	"TV"
	Option		"TVType"	"NTSC"
	Option		"TVOutput"	"S-Video"
	Option		"EnableAGPDMA"	"true"

Thank you to openchrome's developers 
I'm a little bit desperate and I hope that it isn't not necessary  became a kernel hacker o a linux guru to configurate  this platform


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