[Openchrome-users] EPIA SP 13000 and ubuntu

Michele bramik
Sun Nov 27 23:27:11 PST 2005

> Hi,
> Currently the breezy debs only include the X and xvmc drivers, no 3d. I
> haven't got around to creating updated GL debs yet.
> You could build Mesa from source... and it will work. Alternatively wait for
> either me or Micah to create new packages.
> Regards,

Hi Ivor.
Thank you for your answer.
I hope you'll be patient I'm a dummy ;-)

After having seen your post I tried to download Mesa (all packages )
and I compiled them without errors (make, make install ).

But on  mesa doc i red I should recompile -> DRI
and inside DRI Doc I red I should recompile -> Xorg ?

Is this the right way ?

I'm not sure I need 3D acceleration
I should only play advertising Video on a plasma TV (Mpeg2 and Mpeg4)

I tried xine with this command line

xine -V viaXvMCPro --no-logo -g  myvideo.mp2

end tha result is quite good (fluent)

Insted, I tried a mpeg4 video (xvid) with xine  and it start quite
good but after it block itself giving a lot of "vop non coded" on the
shell (it could be a xine lacks - on on other computer i can play it
with mplayer - but in this ubuntu installation I can't recompile
mplayer due to gcc version)

I tried a AVC h264 coded video and xine can't haldle it
Trying with vlc
vlc -V viaXvMCPro h264video

It only shows first screenshot of the video and it starts only after 5
second giving back ffmpeg decoder error : more than 5 second of late
video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)

Should I resign to use only mpeg2 at this moment ?

There is no way to use mpeg4 video (xvid h264 etc)

What do you think of Via modified Xine / Mplayer ?
I tried to install xine (vexp) but it give me back an error in script
It seems to be non much cured installation script
error _AM_DEPENDENCIES(OBJC)  (the error that script gives me )


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