[Openchrome-users] TV Resolution problems

Simon Kagstrom simon.kagstrom
Wed Apr 5 23:20:29 PDT 2006

At Thu, 6 Apr 2006 07:45:58 +0200,
Steffen Schumacher wrote:
> 2. Resolution - Using mode 720x576Noscale, the picture doesn't fit onto the screen?
> [...]
> 2.
> I think mythtv supports scaling the signal to a given size, so if i'm screwed,
> I'll probably fall back to tweaking mythtv to only output to the visible parts
> of the screen. However I've gotten the impression that scaling yeilds bad performance
> and / or quality.
> So I would like to be able to make all pixels visible on my screen to avoid this,
> but I don't really know where to start?
> If I use 640x480 resolution, it fits neatly.

This at least sounds like the problem I recently had, see the thread
starting at


I've still not found any way of resolving this by configuration.
Sometimes, the 720x576Over mode works better, but right now this
instead is shifted too far to the left so that thel eft part of the
screen isn't shown.

// Simon

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