[Openchrome-users] TV Resolution problems

Ivor Hewitt ivor
Fri Apr 7 10:45:24 PDT 2006

On Thursday 06 April 2006 21:19, Steffen Schumacher wrote:
> > Decoding with what application using which output?  Mplayer using xv
> > or mythtv using "standard","libmpeg2","Standard XvMC", "Via XvMC"?
> using mythtv with setting Via XvMC.
Do you see the same cpu load playing back with mplayer/xine. What does your 
frontend log say.

> > > 2. Resolution - Using mode 720x576Noscale, the picture doesn't fit onto
> > > the screen?
> >
> > Doesn't fit how?  Offset to one side, too big (zoomed?), too little
> > (black box all around the image)?
> Its too big. When I get some more time I'll try to tweak the mythtv config,
> so that the screen fits. I'll then reconfigure the PVR-150 to output that
> same resolution to avoid rescaling of the signal. Whatever works I guess.
I've uploaded a 720x576 test card image to: 

This image has two rectangles. The outer one shows the area typically 
overscanned by a TV, the inner one shows the title safe area (which shouldn't 
be getting overscanned). I'll have a play and make some more testcards.

> >
> > > how can I test it?
> >
You should be seeing a message in your frontend log saying that it is using 
xvmc. (actually you might need "mythfrontend -v playback" I can't remember)


Ivor Hewitt.

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