[Openchrome-users] TV Resolution problems

Simon Kagstrom simon.kagstrom
Sat Apr 8 06:14:47 PDT 2006

At Fri, 7 Apr 2006 18:45:24 +0100,
Ivor Hewitt wrote:
> > > Doesn't fit how?  Offset to one side, too big (zoomed?), too little
> > > (black box all around the image)?
> >
> > Its too big. When I get some more time I'll try to tweak the mythtv config,
> > so that the screen fits. I'll then reconfigure the PVR-150 to output that
> > same resolution to avoid rescaling of the signal. Whatever works I guess.
> >
> I've uploaded a 720x576 test card image to: 
> http://www.openchrome.org/testcard.png
> This image has two rectangles. The outer one shows the area typically 
> overscanned by a TV, the inner one shows the title safe area (which shouldn't 
> be getting overscanned). I'll have a play and make some more testcards.

For me, this testcard looks more or less OK in 4x3 mode
(720x576Noscale, only slightly skewed and the lines flicker widely),
but none of the other TV modes manage to fit neither of the

And as before, it normally starts in grayscale mode.

// Simon

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