[Openchrome-users] Widescreen flat panels and CLE266

John Robinson john.robinson
Sun Apr 9 04:31:00 PDT 2006

On 08/04/2006 18:53, tony wrote:
>> Thomas Hellstr?m responded to my question privately thus:
>>> ModeLine "1440x900" 108.00 1440 1504 1760 1852 900 902 914 940 #58kHz H 62Hz V
> Been busy doing other stuff like looking for work... I just jumped into
> the big screen (19") world today and have an acer AL1916W that runs at
> 1440x900.
> The mode line above works except... the image is cropped on the sides.
> In the OSD there is no way of scaling - moving left/right up/down yes
> but scaling no.

I've used those Acer screens. Fiddly. You need to set a suitable image,
preferably one with a strong stipple on it, and just hit the Auto
button, and it'll sample the signal to try and line itself up properly.
It only manages it if there are lots and lots of sharp edges in the
signal. Actually the default black-and-white background X has (or used
to, I think my Red Hat build has it taken out) would be just the job...
try just starting X on its own (e.g. `telinit 3; X`) to see if you get
that pattern. Failing that, I've attached a tiny GIF which you could try
setting (tiled) as your desktop background.



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